Luggage Cover [noun]:
A New Outfit For Your Luggage

Mud Cloth: Pink n White Luggage Cover

Spot your bag easily @ Baggage Claim
Protect your luggage
Wash & Reuse

TPH Logo Hoodie

The Passport Hustle Logo Hoodie, a must-have for globetrotters, entrepreneurs, and anyone who embodies the hustle mindset.
THE PASSPORT HUSTLE Luggage Cover on the runway with Sheizan Designs
How We Got Started...

After traveling to and dining in 40 countries, we realized that most travel accessories were not made for or to celebrate black and brown travelers... so we picked up the torch!

As travel lovers and passport stamp collectors, we see color every where we go! Seeing colors in nature, designs and on the skin of people we meet allow us to celebrate the many cultures we come across while traveling. So don't be color blind. Oh no. Look at me and see me.

Seeing color is not a problem. Segregation and discrimination based on color is.

So be proud of who you are and who you meet. Be humbly amazed that we get to travel and "they" let us into their spaces, tables, cultures and hearts. to let colors and cultures take the wheel. Most of our customers use our products on work trips and just might decide to twerk (leisure) trips.

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The Passport Hustle Mud Cloth Luggage Tags Mudcloth in Color with secure strap. We have 6 different mud cloth designs that have matching luggage covers and neck pillows.
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